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Who We Are
The House of the Master Residents found here have declared Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah) as their Lord and Savior and in understanding Him to be the Passover Lamb of God whose blood was shed for the salvation of those who believe, they have prepared and formatted the various teachings displayed on their Residential pages choosing to make these teachings available for free use and edification within the community of God's people.
Some of our Residents have materials such as books, videos, audio recordings, crafts or other services which they have decided to offer through our House Marketplace Program. Please enjoy your time here and remember to browse the various recommended pages or links suggested by your favorite residents!
If you would like to Become a House of the Master Resident or use and share any of the information you find here, please review our terms of use section for additional information as well as you may have to contact the corresponding Resident additionally for their permissions when necessary.
Who We Are
The House of the Master Residents found here have declared Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah) as their Lord and Savior and in understanding Him to be the Passover Lamb of God whose blood was shed for the salvation of those who believe, they have prepared and formatted the various teachings displayed on their Residential pages choosing to make these teachings available for free use and edification within the community of God's people.
Some of our Residents have materials such as books, videos, audio recordings, crafts or other services which they have decided to offer through our House Marketplace Program. Please enjoy your time here and remember to browse the various recommended pages or links suggested by your favorite residents!
If you would like to Become a House of the Master Resident or use and share any of the information you find here, please review our Terms of Use section for additional information as well as you may have to contact the corresponding Resident additionally for their permissions when necessary.
Who We Are
Become A Resident
Living Stones In His House

1 Peter 2:1-5 NAS ~ "Therefore, putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, 2 like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, 3 if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord. 4 And coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Above you see olive branches. These olive branches are shaken and beaten until they release the olives. After this process, the olives are then pulverized and ground to produce a very fine oil needed to produce a vital tool in this world, light. Yeshua (Jesus) once referred to Himself as The Light of the world and later He would refer to His disciples as the Light of the World. Sometimes, to produce light in this world, our lives and limbs are shaken and beaten until much needed olives are released. These olives, oftentimes things very precious to us, are ground and pulverized to produce the oil which gives light. Sometimes life feels like this and sometimes life is this hard. It is a great discomfort to us, and to many of those around us, but this process is very vital for our personal growth, character refinement, and maturity in Christ. More importantly it enables us to produce light for others.
I am sure that you understand the wisdom of the Olive Branches as I have described it, and I am sure you have experienced tribulation in your life. Staying on God's path of righteousness and producing Light in this world is not always an easy task. This is why we have each other. To make getting through the tough times easier. Keeping these things in mind, I encourage you to become a Resident with us in the House of the Master and share your experiences and wisdom with us so that we may grow together with you, and because of you.
If you have something you will choose to share publicly for the community of God's people then please request to become a resident today. Enter your information in the contact form below. You will soon be contacted by a representative of House of the Master with information about our expectations for this website and what items are needed to build your Resident Page. If you have items that you would like made available in our House Marketplace then let us know that as well! Your Resident Page will be designed to your likeness and intended to meet your expectations for sharing within the community. Your page will also be designed to enable you to have whatever level of public communication you determine.
Become a resident of House of the Master today and join with us as we serve the community of believers in Yeshua!
Join us and Become A Resident Today!
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Terms of Use
House of the Master Residents have provided certain portions of their own personal teachings, writings and various other works created by them on their pages. What you have access to by simply reaching their page, they have determined you may use, study and share as you see fit with the expectation that you will credit them with the work they have accomplished and will share it appropriately in respect of helping the community of Believers to grow in their relationship with Christ our Messiah.
There are other materials our Residents may offer for sale or through a suggested donation to their Ministry cause. Please first attempt to address any issues related with those matters directly with the House Resident, but if that does not help you to resolve an issue then please contact House of the Master directly Here. Thank you for your consideration and understanding.
Terms of Use
House of the Master Residents have provided certain portions of their own personal teachings, writings and various other works, crafts or services for their pages. What you have access to by simply reaching their page, they have determined you may use, study and share as you see fit with the expectation that you will credit them with the work which they have accomplished and will share it appropriately in respect of helping the community of Believers to grow in their relationship with Christ our Messiah.
Contacting Residents
If you would like to contact any Resident of House of the Master you may only do so through whatever means that resident has made available on their on Resident Page.
Resident Materials
There are other materials our Residents may offer for sale or through a suggested donation to their Ministry cause. Please first attempt to address any issues related with those matters directly with the House Resident, but if that does not help you to resolve an issue then please contact House of the Master directly Here. Thank you for your consideration and understanding.
Terms of Use
House of the Master LLC.
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